
  1. Download Chrome Canary on your mobile device.
  2. In the URL bar, load chrome://flags, and set these flags to Enabled:
    • WebVR: chrome://flags#enable-webvr
    • Gamepad Extensions: chrome://flags#enable-gamepad-extensions
  3. Enjoy WebVR content!

Warning: Until the stability of WebVR improves (soon in upcoming releases), we recommend avoiding the use of WebVR in Chrome for Android and Chrome Canary.

Note for Developers: For your WebVR site to work by default in release-channel Chrome for Android (without users having to manually enable WebVR from chrome://flags), you must sign up here to request a token for your site’s origin (domain).

You will receive an email containing the token within 24 hours; to enable the WebVR Origin Trial for your site, put the token in a <meta http-equiv="origin-trial" content="…"> tag or as an Origin-Trial HTTP response header. You can sign up here, and refer to the FAQ for more details.

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Known issues

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These known issues apply to the latest published build. Where applicable, the detailed release notes below will list when historic known issues were fixed.

  • Note: Any WebVR site you visit must be already enrolled in the WebVR Origin Trial and contain a <meta> tag or HTTP response header with a valid Origin Trial token.
  • Warning: Do not use the “Skip VR entry screens” setting in Daydream’s Developer options. It can cause a black screen or inconsistent behavior when trying to enter VR, for example when the controller firmware is out of date. As an alternative, you can double-tap the “Place your phone into the Daydream headset” screen to bypass it.
  • Content is being rendered at ≈1000×1200 per eye on a Pixel XL, significantly lower than that of the 1:1 render resolution of 1803×2268. (The default render resolution is going to change in the future; consider implementing dynamic-resolution scaling to tune performance. You can also choose to set the <canvas> size to larger or smaller than that of the recommended render resolution during initialization.)
  • The Nexus 6P may work adequately as a developer-preview experience, but the phone is slower than that of the Pixel phones, and the Nexus 6P may degrade in performance during extended VR use due to thermal throttling. It is not representative of the performance of Daydream-ready devices.
  • Modifying the <canvas> GL context or content after VRDisplay#submitFrame may cause corrupted frames, among other issues. Please wait for the next VRDisplay#requestAnimationFrame callback before doing so. Also, check the VRDisplayCapabilities#hasExternalDisplay property to know when to disable display mirroring (and, if false, any features that reuse the <canvas> post-submission).

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What is the difference between Chromium and Chrome?
Chromium is an open-source Web browser project, started and maintained by Google, for the proprietary, closed-source Google Chrome browser. Chromium and Chrome share the majority of code and functionality, though there are some minor differences in features (e.g., video/audio codecs, Speech Recognition/Synthesis APIs, etc.), branding/logos, and licensing.
Blink is the rendering engine used by Chromium.
Which audio and video codecs are supported?

Because of licensing issues, only these open codecs are supported right now. Namely, MP3 and x264 are not supported. These formats are supported: Opus audio (audio/opus, audio/ogg), WebM (video/webm), Theora (video/ogg), Vorbis (audio/vorbis), VP8, VP9, and WAV.

What is the WebVR Origin Trial?

An Origin Trial is a system built into Chrome that allows an API to be available as an experiment, enabled for all users on a particular site’s origin (for a fixed period of time, such as three months).

On Chrome for Android, WebVR Origin Trial support was introduced in Chrome M56; the current trial ends on June 13, 2017.

For your WebVR site to work by default in release-channel Chrome for Android (without users having to manually enable WebVR from chrome://flags), you must sign up here to request a token for your site’s origin (domain).

You will receive an email containing the token within 24 hours; to enable the WebVR Origin Trial for your site, put the token in a <meta http-equiv="origin-trial" content="…"> tag or as an Origin-Trial HTTP response header. You can sign up here.

Where can I find the list of known bugs?

You can find a list of the known issues above. You can also search the Chromium bug tracker for bugs in the Blink > WebVR component.

How can I report a bug?

First, refer to the known issues above and the WebVR bugs in the Chromium bug tracker (labeled with the Blink > WebVR component).

If you still don’t see your issue reported, you can file a new bug in the Chromium bug tracker. Or, if you’d prefer, you can file a bug on

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