
  1. Download the experimental build of Chromium with WebVR support.
  2. Find the file in your Downloads directory, and extract all the contents.
  3. In the output directory, find and launch the chrome.exe file.
  4. In the URL bar, load chrome://flags#enable-webvr and toggle the Enable WebVR flag.
  5. In the URL bar, load chrome://flags#enable-gamepad-extensions and toggle the Enable Gamepad Extensions flag.
  6. Launch the SteamVR application.
  7. Enjoy WebVR content!

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  • Where dust, smoke and other dry particles obscure the clarity of the sky
  • Record and share your dance moves
  • Save the world from the cutest creatures in the universe
  • Paint and sketch in VR by Mozilla A-Frame team
  • A musical WebVR journey for the HTC VIVE

Latest version

Experimental Browser Build
Date released
File size
94 MB
System requirements
Windows 7.1+ 64-bit
Release notes
  • Applies multiple optimizations on top of the version of WebVR publicly available in Chrome 56 beta, primarily in the form of reducing texture copies. This gives significantly better performance and latency in most cases. Consider this a preview of performance targets for later versions of Chrome, with further possible improvements still to come.

Known issues

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These known issues apply to the latest published build. Where applicable, the detailed release notes below will list when historic known issues were fixed.

Note: There is no installer for the experimental builds of Chromium. Once the contents of the .zip file is extracted, launch chrome.exe directly from the chrome-bin directory.

Description Browser build Headset Reported Updated Status
Scene wobbles as headset rotates 2016-12-23 HTC VIVE Unresolved
WebVR crashes immediately on calling `vrDisplay.requestPresent()` 2016-12-23 HTC VIVE Fixed
The timestamp passed to the `requestAnimationFrame` callback is off by a factor of 1000 2016-12-23 Oculus Rift, HTC VIVE Fixed

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What is the difference between Chromium and Chrome?

Chromium is an open-source Web browser project, started and maintained by Google, for the proprietary, closed-source Google Chrome browser. Chromium and Chrome share the majority of code and functionality, though there are some minor differences in features (e.g., video/audio codecs, Speech Recognition/Synthesis APIs, etc.), branding/logos, and licensing.

Blink is the rendering engine used by Chromium.

Which audio and video codecs are supported?

Because of licensing issues, only these open codecs are supported right now. Namely, MP3 and x264 are not supported. These formats are supported: Opus audio (audio/opus, audio/ogg), WebM (video/webm), Theora (video/ogg), Vorbis (audio/vorbis), VP8, VP9, and WAV.

Where can I find the list of known bugs?

You can find a list of the known issues above. You can also search the issues listed in the toji/chrome-webvr-issues GitHub repository WebVR bugs for the experimental Chromium builds (not Chrome for Android).

How can I report a bug?

First, refer to the known issues above and the issues listed in the toji/chrome-webvr-issues GitHub repository WebVR bugs for the experimental Chromium builds (not Chrome for Android).

If you still don’t see your issue reported for the experimental Chromium builds (not Chrome for Android), you can file a new bug in the toji/chrome-webvr-issues GitHub repository. Or, if you’d prefer, you can file a bug on

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